Options Menu

The options menu provides access to several very important functions.

System Mode
Normal mode is the default option providing access to all the timed intervals and calculated values.
No-Time mode is an option on a per class basis or when not in class mode. This mode removes all the timed intervals except the reaction time. It does display Fouls, First, Wins, and DQs.

Emergency Flashers is a function that flashes the red bulbs on the tree to indicate and emergency status.

Test Christmas Tree is a function that turns on all the bulbs on the tree as a test.
Test Sensor Alignment is a function that turns on specific bulbs on the tree to correspond with the status of sensors.
Timing Microcontroller Version is a function that polls the microcontroller for it’s current firmware version.
Reboot Timing Microcontroller is a function to attempt to reboot the microcontroller.